28. The Power of The Chicken Paso Doble'

21st October 2014

The Power of The Chicken Paso Doble

In the last post, I described the delightful antics of our beloved rooster 'Fluffy' - namely an impressive dance that we refer to as The Chicken Paso Doble. Well I also mentioned that the most impressive Paso performances were reserved  for Hubby Dearest (HD).

Secretly I believe that the reason for this is that Fluffy has a severe case of 'emerald envy'. 

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the physical appearance of a stereotypical Australorp chicken, then you need to know that they are usually glossy black in colour with a stunning emerald sheen to their feathers. The roosters have particularly shiny emerald tail feathers, which I have no doubt, impress the ladies no end. The problem is, hubby dearest is a paramedic and often he will head into the orchard to greet me, in his equally impressive, emerald green uniform.

This has obviously been eating away at Fluffy for a while but the final straw came when Jamie chose to Paso Doble  Fluffy back!

 Just what do you do when a competitor ten times your size, who often emasculates you by giving you a cuddle in front of your harem, does the Paso in his spectacular emerald green jumpsuit right in front of you? This was the dilemma facing poor Fluffy.

After consideration Fluffy decided that a stealth attack was the only approach he could take. So he waited until his arch rival was dressed in his civilian clothes (shorts and a t-shirt), had his back turned and was absorbed in the task of egg collecting before launching an attack from the rear!

Since having the power of the Paso Doble etched into the back of his knees, Hubby Dearest has had to concede that the exclusive rights to perform this dance now belong to Fluffy. In fact the only dance any of us do these days is a barn dance - it's called the hoe down. We take the hoe down to the orchard whenever we venture in there, just in case Fluffy feels the need to assert that he alone rules the roost at Kookaburra Nook Homestead!