44. A New Direction

29th October 2016

A New Direction

While manning my market stall at the Serpentine Country Markets in September, I was approached by a lady who seemed very interested in my produce and asked me lots of questions about where and how I grew it. She seemed very excited when I told her that I was focused on growing and producing food, using organic and natural principles and was based locally. She went on to explain that she was President of the Serpentine Jarrahdale Food and Farm Alliance and that she was running a workshop for women who were producing food in the Peel region. Finally she invited me to attend the workshop as she felt it would be beneficial to me.

As I had absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain, I did attend the all day workshop and I am so glad I did. Not only did I meet a whole network of other like-minded women but I was practically mobbed by a group of about eight people, all wanting to learn how to keep bees. 

This got me thinking about the possibility of running workshops for people wanting to learn about basic bee-keeping. This could be the venture that helps me not only boost my business but it could bring in a steady income which would help us better manage the honey off season (May to September)...