18. The First Cock-a-doodle-doo

7th January 2014

The First Cock-a-doodle-doo

Jamie got up early today to beat the heat and attach the first of his two whirly birds to the shed roof. It was while he was on the roof, that he heard a nearby rooster crowing. 'Surely not' he thought to himself while squinting across to the chicken run where our 'Red' was asserting his manhood for all to hear!

A visit to the nighthouse at dawn left us in no doubt what-so-ever. Our Red is one hundred percent rooster. This revelation came as much less of a surprise to me than to Jamie as I have noticed over the past few weeks some very testosterone charged behaviour. As our youngest child put it as she sighed and witnessed yet another stand off between Red and Fluffy - "Red is getting lots and lots of puberty".

So we have at least one rooster and four unknowns.

We have ordered the humane chicken dispatcher from Morrigan Farm just in case our rooster count grows and Jamie has been reading up on how to butcher chickens correctly and perusing YouTube videos to prepare himself for what the task involves.Â