53. A New Room For Issy

17th October 2017

A New Room For Issy

When we moved out we needed to make a silver-lining, something to look forward to when we moved back home. For us that silver-lining was dividing the games room to create an extra bedroom and a study. 

The games room had never really worked for us as a 'games room' as I found that the kids would constantly mess it up and then no-one would take responsibility for the mess. I would end up clearing up all of the children's rooms plus the games room every day and sometimes multiple times a day. As the number of kids increased, we had begun to use the games room as a bedroom/study/'giant storage of junk' space. This wasn't very functional and it certainly wasn't very pretty.

One of the good things that came out of our 'tornado time' was the forced opportunity to sort through our belongings and to really ask ourselves the question 'Do we really need all of this stuff?' 

Since then we must have sold and given away close to $5000 in unwanted items. Not only has this helped us to reclaim some much needed space in our home but it has created funds to purchase things that we really do need. 

So finally today we got to give Issy the space we have been longing to provide for her since her room was totally destroyed on the 23rd of January 2016. 

Although the room was completed when we moved back into the house, Jamie still had to floorboard it and put shelving and storage in her wardrobe and we had to save to buy her new furniture. She chose her own colour scheme and then I needed to seal the feature brick dividing wall, paint and decorate it. Although it is a really small room (only 3 x 3 metres) it has a really nice feel to it and all of us are thrilled with the result. 

Photos taken 17th October 2017