35. Chip - the tornado chick

8th March 2016

Chip - the tornado chick

Our house slowly falling apart - every day the wind and rain bring down just a little more of it.

Photo taken April 2016

As Summer begins to fade into Autumn, so too the weather is becoming less predictable. With the roof still only covered with a tarp, we dread showers which mean more water pouring in on the already warped jarrah floorboards. Things seem very bleak and depressing at times as we watch the house deteriorate but amidst all this a little glimmer of hope has come our way in the form of two fluffy black and white chicks - the first for Kookaburra Nook Homestead. 

Unfortunately the first chick was born deformed with only slits where it’s eyes ought to be. ‘Pipsqueak’ was immediately rejected by his/her mother who continually pushed him out of the nesting box and refused to keep him warm. Today we found ‘Pip’ deceased at the back of the nesting box. By this evening though, we were all brought comfort when a second hatching produced a very healthy chick which we named ‘Chip’.

For me Chip represents new life and hope at a time when there is not very much to smile about and watching the little chick reminds the whole family that there are still things to appreciate and fill you with wonder, even when life seems bleak.

'Chip' with beautiful and very protective Mum 'Starry'. Photo taken 9th March 2016