55. Mort Moves On

16th November 2017

Mort Moves On

When I opened up the night house to let my feathered friends out for their breakfast this morning only five of my girls came out. I popped my head inside surprised to see Mort lying on the hay looking like she had settled in to lay an egg. I lifted her out while I cleaned out the straw and washed out the house but as soon as I had finished she wandered back in there and lay down on the wet concrete floor. Remembering how my beautiful girl  'Starry' had passed horribly (the magpies all but pecked her death) because I hadn't realised that she was seeking out the night house as a safe place to start her journey to 'chicken heaven', I grabbed an armful of straw and placed Mort gently on top of it, determined that if her time had come it would not be like poor Starry's. 

I put a water container nearby and locked her inside, safe from anything that may harm her. I watched as she tucked her head into her breast and that is how I found her at lunch time. I hope my passing will be as swift and peaceful when my time comes.