4. Rain, Rain Go Away

25th September 2013 

Rain, rain go away

I know, I know, we really need the rain and soon I will be lamenting because there isn't any and I have to spend hours outside lugging the hosepipe around but at the moment, every morning I awaken to wet pavers, my heart sinks.

The reason for my disappointment - Jamie and I are hanging out to do our first inspection of Hive One (The Bee-ginning) and all this wet weather is not conducive to cracking open the hive.

Our jarrah trees will flower this year and I can't wait to see what our yield will be now that the bees have finished building their comb and just have pollen collecting to focus on.

Jamie thinks that the activity in the hive is low and is worried about the girls but the odd bee is still going in and out the entrance so I am not too stressed.

The last few weeks have been very frustrating with a little ice-skating accident leaving me unable to walk. People who are over thirty-five and double-jointed in the knee-caps should probably know better than to attempt to do the limbo in ice-skates! As with most things in life, hindsight is 20/20. 

Pushing my recovery too quickly has also proven to be a 'no no', as a date with the whipper-snipper rendered me totally immobile the next day. 

So I am once again reminded that patience is a virtue - unfortunately for me one that I have always struggled with.